Even the sun sets in paradise

Monday, 29/10/12
So I finally got back my final overall results. It was quite badly done, to the stage where I almost retained. It was totally a let down, a disappointment to both myself and my parents. Due to my laziness and dont-know-how-to-think-wisely mindset in the past, ok not really past, start of year I meant, I didn't study well and thus pulling my final overall results down. The thing that satisfied me most for my EOY results was getting grade A for my mathematics paper and it's just real unbelievable. I remember I trembled when my teacher read out our marks and I swear to god I was fucking shocked when my teacher announced me getting a A and I'm like 'WTF?!?!?! MUST BE KIDDING ME.' Not trying to exaggerate but that was my reaction at that moment. And as for my language papers, I got B and for my humanlities, A for my geography and B/C for my history? As for my Science..... it's a sure fail so ya doesn't really matters to me. But well, it's no use getting good grades for my EOY because my past CA and MYE pulled them down..☹☹☹

So as a promise to my mom, I'll study harder next year. Not only during mid-year and end-of-year I'll mug hard but I'll also try studying for my tests. I think I said this last year, and this year I laze again... Ok nvm, I hope my motivation doesn't goes away and my laziness doesn't visits me whenever I wanna study. Quite a draggy post to rant about my results and studies but it's okay that's what a blog is for right hahahaha. Going for facial appointment tomorrow with mom in the afternoon, will try updating again. 
ending my post with my beloved Damon xo

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