it's been awhile since i updated this little space of mine. finally it's 2013, a brand new start. but so far, it hasnt been a good year for me. all the bad things happened, and everything is falling apart. i hope everything will be fine soon, all i do is pray. and yep, a little update on what has been happening..
  • town on xmas with yuzhenie, dinner with adam at e&f, countdown with jody & co, went home w jadon and zhengbin.
  • malaysia with yuzhenie, yongwei, jiajia and some other peeps on new year countdown for BBQ, fireworks and stayover instead of going for scape event/marina float. 
  • school school school school school (fuck my life upper secondary life sucks)
  • ah boys to men part 2 with kaijun on 1st feb hahaha we kiasu kids
3d2n level camp from 4th - 6th feb. campfire was the sex and dragon boat-ing was fun. #teambravo yaysie love my instructors especially don and galvin because they are so fucking cute and handsome hehehe *flower mode on* cny is just in a few days time and i dont have the mood to celebrate it at all ~.~ will try to update my blog more because most of the time i'm just lazy.. whatever it is, follow me on twitter @amxndawxt for instant updates okai bye xo

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