So recently I'm having the thoughts of transferring over to another secondary school as I really really do dislike my school alot. Most chances I'll be transferring to Dunearn Sec.. no particular reasons, it's just that I dont like/cant get into other schools around my area(although dunearn is quite faraway) and I got to admit that part of it it's because their uniform is nicer than other schools...... yep. 

Mom and I was discussing about it earlier on and a few matters actually made me feel really upset as they might cause me to be unable to transfer.. Firstly it's the case that I encountered about two years back, if you were my blog reader back then maybe you'll have the slightest idea of it but anyway I'm not gonna share it with anyone or wtv. Secondly it's due to my bad conduct in school written in my report card as I'm always getting a poor or fair which I have no fucking idea why because I dont think I actually deserve that.. I dont expect myself to get excellent but a good for my conduct. Well, at least for this term.. I misbehaved, late come, have detentions every now and then in the past and yep a poor and fair should be given to me but I swear to god that I changed for the better this term right !@%^$#@$%^*%$# It's just improper attire and grooming, and for that I'm getting a poor for my term4 conduct? Fuck you all. Disgusting people. Really got to say that my teachers are goddamn' biased., hate all of you.

P/S: Just ranting my anger outtttttttttttt pls pardon me T_T

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