Hollow soul

Hi there I'm back for an update. Have been hanging around quite alot with my bestfriend recently so yep actually my holidays was not as fantastic as what I wished it would be lol. Have been catching up quite alot with my old friends from my primary school and people whom I have not contacted for a period of time. So I was chatting with my friend few days back and sad to say, he said that I changed. Well I couldn't deny this because somehow deep inside me I felt that too. It's just hard trying to remember how I acted and behaved or whatsoever in the old days. I only knew that I was better. Yup, was. Character and attitude wise, I guess.
 le red hair

Ok of course we did not dyed it... although I have always wanted red/pink/purple coloured hair because I find it really cool but since I'm still a schoolgirl... forget about it. it's just the effect of my camera app anyway. Supposed to go to www with my schoolmates yesterday to celebrate one of their birthday but due to my period I gave them an aeroplane bomb which is real bad and of course I was really unlucky. 

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